Edition #23 of I and the BIRD, the birder's blog carnival, is now up on Bird DC. Nick has created a wonderful bird identification quiz. I'm still convinced that some of those pictures are of bits of candy-bar packaging. Be sure to take it, it's a lot of fun, and you're sure to score better than my paltry 16! I'll have my revenge on Nick for my public humiliation on Thursday, May 25th, when I and the BIRD is hosted right here at Rigor Vitae. Be sure to submit your URLs to me for that one, identified with a subject heading of "I and the Bird." Send them to CARELBvK at GMAIL dot COM by 9pm mountain daylight time on Tuesday, May 23rd. This carnival will involve a bit of extra work for me, so early submissions will be appreciated (I've got a lot of nerve to request such a thing, after sending my own I and the Bird submission at the 11th hour last night--Nick, you've got a late entry pass).
MASTERPIECES IN MINIATURE, The annual spring miniature show at Picture This! Gallery in Sherwood Park, Alberta opened last weekend, and continues through Thursday, May 25th. The public drawing for intents to purchase will take place on that evening, at 7pm.
The highlight of my week was receiving a copy of Rigor Vitae as a surprise present from my sweetheart, because I had been drooling over it after reading reviews in the science blogs. It's gorgeous! A little heavy for bedtime reading, but an instant heirloom! Thanks so much for getting it published. And don't forget to visit Science Notes for Tangled Bank 53!
Thanks so much! I'm very happy to hear you got my book and are enjoying it. Unfortunately I saw no way around using a heavy tone on the first five pages of it. I hope the overall effect is much lighter and fun to read than the prologue. Thanks for your great job hosting Tangled Bank, too!
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