If you're reading this post, chances are good that you linked here from one of two very nice web reviews that came out this week for my new book. Please take some time to look around the place while you're here. Sorry about the mess—it doesn't usually look like this, honest.

If you're a veteran reader of this blog, please have a look at these reviews, I'm kinda proud of 'em. I was very honored to have DarkSyde ask me for an interview, which we conducted the other day. It's posted on this morning's
Daily Kos, along with some very nice remarks about the book, and several images. For a more in-depth review of the book itself, you can't do better than the one Grrlscientist posted at
Living the Scientific Life. I really like this review, not only because it's very positive, but because it's very well written, and she obviously paid close attention to both my artwork and my text, and she really “got” it. Nothing could be more gratifying to me than that.
For more on the book you can go
here. To order it, go to
Eagle Mountain Publishing.
upper: STILL LIFE WITH BEETLES (2000) acrylic 20" x 26"
lower: CRASH-BARRIER WALTZER--BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE (2005) acrylic 30" x 20"
I just started reading the review on Daily Kos and came here. This may be my mother's last Mother's Day (one of her last, no doubt)and your book is the perfect gift. Sure, she loves flowers and jewelry, but she also used the pith helmet I gave her one Mother's Day when she trekked the jungles of Costa Rica. It's probably appropriate battle gear for her 11-year fight against metastatic breast cancer, too.
Thanks in advance for sharing your incredible talent and love of critters.
Thanks very much for your comments, Elizabeth. My very best wishes and a Happy Mother's Day to your Mom!
My copy arrived on my birthday yesterday (right on time amazon.com!): the fabulous gift to myself that all my friends and family are oohing and aahing about. My mother (age 98) couldn't put it down and wanted to take it home. But no, no one may borrow it until I've read it. I, too, recommend grrlscientist's excellent review. Congratulations, Carel! If you ever do a book signing in Tucson, please contact me. I'd love to get my copy signed.
Thanks Pam, and a big, belated Happy Birthday! Next time I'm in Tucson I'll let you know.
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